Friday, February 5, 2010

Journal Numero Uno: What I know.

Writing use to be easy for me, I could write an entire short story in two days, but now that I’ve become more diligent and critic about my work I find it very difficult to wrote a few decent sentences, my writing feels childish and I would love to work on that aspect of my writing. I like to write formally but I find I use a lot of contractions when writing dialogue or even narrative. I like to write from both male and female perspective, though it’s difficult to get into the mind frame of pretending to be a man. I like to write humorous love stories or life experience stories. I can’t bring myself to write about magic and destiny kind of stuff. I would love to try writing about a super hero with powers, but I don’t think I would be successful in doing so, because I usually write to vent and get my feelings out. I’m intimidated by others when I see how successful their writing is, and I hope that that feeling goes away before this semester is over.

I’m usually uncomfortable sharing my writing with others. I don’t like to be judged based on my writing because lots of characters resemble me and my feelings or thoughts, and sometimes they resemble people I care about or wish I could be or guys that I am interested in. I like when my writing means something, and I hope that when I finish a piece of writing the reader will understand my point of view and where I’m initially coming from. I would love to write about a young physicist, though it would take a lot of research considering I'm not particularly brilliant in the aspect of physics, but it's all very interesting and I think it could be really fun.

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