Monday, February 22, 2010

Journal Number Three – Education Ironing? Ha.

Students of North America, including myself, take our education system for granted. Many skip class or just complain about work and/or lectures when all our teachers are doing are helping us. Educators are there to teach us for a reason... so we may learn. It’s quite obvious. It does not make any sense for students to refuse this opportunity, but yet we find ourselves colouring those little ‘A’ circles in on that yellow paper every day. I aspire to become a teacher so that I may share my knowledge and understanding with students of my community, and maybe even other communities. The knowledge one obtains in schooling is what gives one the opportunity to pursue a career, or even just a regular job, that will help them make money to secure their family with a home and food to live a happy and structured life. Those who neglect these opportunities are oblivious that that is what our education leads to, which is a shame. This is a shame because many children around the world that are not given these opportunities or advantages are starving and bored. These children are dying very young, and not living what we consider a normal life. Schooling costs money, our government raises money via annual taxes to pay for our education, whereas in much poorer countries, with or without governments of our nature, do not have the money to put towards the children’s education. It would be nice if more North American students understood the importance of education and how fortunate we are to live in such a nation that our education is important and the teachers care and enjoy their jobs in which they educate our young-selves.

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