Friday, April 23, 2010

A Piece of Fiction – Whitney Charette

Writing fiction can be easy if you can write creatively, it gives you free reign to decide upon a beginning and ending that you want. Happy endings, in most cases, are what people like most about books or stories, but happy endings are difficult to come by in reality. While writing fiction you can create your own characters; their looks and their personality, but when writing non-fiction, the characters are already made for you to write about.

I find it difficult to write fiction because I always want to write about things that are happening in my life, or others lives, but spin it creatively by changing scenarios and names of characters, in which case my stories would be ‘based on true events’. This may be difficult because in order to write in someone else’s perspective I would need to know what that person was generally thinking throughout the entire plot.

I prefer to write stories that give the reader something to think about, whether it may be a life lesson or a mysterious inquiry leading up to the conclusion of an investigation. Lessons about what to do in life or falling in love are the ones that I take the best interest in, as opposed to a mystery. I write about love and adventure a lot, and I always seem to struggle with how everyone in the story is feeling, because I am usually only basing it on the way my main character feels.

Having said that, I believe writing fiction is more difficult than writing non-fiction pieces of work because you cannot research your information. Also, fiction may be more difficult for people to write, such as myself, who tend to be overwhelmed with writers block which keeps them from their creative abilities creating a difficult situation where the story is unable to continue due to the lack of creativity. This is different in non-fiction writing because the story has already been mapped out and detailed ready to be put into words.

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