Wednesday, April 28, 2010


To have woke to the sound of a bird

The sky bright yellows and blue

The song as sweet as any ever heard

As much it takes to be with you.

The sun may shine as bright as can be

Never taking away from the breeze

You’ll lay awake in the heat all day

The most wonderful thing you’ll ever see

The shining, blowing, glowing trees.

Thank goodness for what comes past May.

The summer sky, with no clouds in sight,

trees shade the sun from children’s eyes,

They skip and run with smiles so bright.

The wind may blow the kite that flies.

Warm air smells of lemons and grass,

Sprinklers run and twist and turn

Air conditioning blows you out to the street

Nights grow shorter and days will pass.

Bonfires lose their will to burn.

The winter is coming, best to turn up the heat.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Piece of Fiction – Whitney Charette

Writing fiction can be easy if you can write creatively, it gives you free reign to decide upon a beginning and ending that you want. Happy endings, in most cases, are what people like most about books or stories, but happy endings are difficult to come by in reality. While writing fiction you can create your own characters; their looks and their personality, but when writing non-fiction, the characters are already made for you to write about.

I find it difficult to write fiction because I always want to write about things that are happening in my life, or others lives, but spin it creatively by changing scenarios and names of characters, in which case my stories would be ‘based on true events’. This may be difficult because in order to write in someone else’s perspective I would need to know what that person was generally thinking throughout the entire plot.

I prefer to write stories that give the reader something to think about, whether it may be a life lesson or a mysterious inquiry leading up to the conclusion of an investigation. Lessons about what to do in life or falling in love are the ones that I take the best interest in, as opposed to a mystery. I write about love and adventure a lot, and I always seem to struggle with how everyone in the story is feeling, because I am usually only basing it on the way my main character feels.

Having said that, I believe writing fiction is more difficult than writing non-fiction pieces of work because you cannot research your information. Also, fiction may be more difficult for people to write, such as myself, who tend to be overwhelmed with writers block which keeps them from their creative abilities creating a difficult situation where the story is unable to continue due to the lack of creativity. This is different in non-fiction writing because the story has already been mapped out and detailed ready to be put into words.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Journal Number Three – Education Ironing? Ha.

Students of North America, including myself, take our education system for granted. Many skip class or just complain about work and/or lectures when all our teachers are doing are helping us. Educators are there to teach us for a reason... so we may learn. It’s quite obvious. It does not make any sense for students to refuse this opportunity, but yet we find ourselves colouring those little ‘A’ circles in on that yellow paper every day. I aspire to become a teacher so that I may share my knowledge and understanding with students of my community, and maybe even other communities. The knowledge one obtains in schooling is what gives one the opportunity to pursue a career, or even just a regular job, that will help them make money to secure their family with a home and food to live a happy and structured life. Those who neglect these opportunities are oblivious that that is what our education leads to, which is a shame. This is a shame because many children around the world that are not given these opportunities or advantages are starving and bored. These children are dying very young, and not living what we consider a normal life. Schooling costs money, our government raises money via annual taxes to pay for our education, whereas in much poorer countries, with or without governments of our nature, do not have the money to put towards the children’s education. It would be nice if more North American students understood the importance of education and how fortunate we are to live in such a nation that our education is important and the teachers care and enjoy their jobs in which they educate our young-selves.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Journal Number II: The Mighty Pen!

Having been influenced by many texts, I can relate to written words making an impact on ones life. It has been brought to my attention that sometimes things need to be explained and mapped out in order for it to make a difference and/or impact someone's perspective on a certain subject. Our nation's way of life was shaped by many different pieces of writing (among other things). Martin Luther King inspired many nations with his written and spoken word. Some pieces of writing have created unity and equality in the world.
The Holy Bible, though I myself am not a religious person, has brought the entire world a different perspective on life. This book gives many people hope and reason to continue with day-to-day living. It gives purpose and answers whether they are reasonable or not. If someone was to go around saying all of the things from the Holy Bible without written proof of the information, the people would not react the same as if it were written down. This is because when something is written down, it's like being carved in stone, what it says, goes, kind of thing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Journal Numero Uno: What I know.

Writing use to be easy for me, I could write an entire short story in two days, but now that I’ve become more diligent and critic about my work I find it very difficult to wrote a few decent sentences, my writing feels childish and I would love to work on that aspect of my writing. I like to write formally but I find I use a lot of contractions when writing dialogue or even narrative. I like to write from both male and female perspective, though it’s difficult to get into the mind frame of pretending to be a man. I like to write humorous love stories or life experience stories. I can’t bring myself to write about magic and destiny kind of stuff. I would love to try writing about a super hero with powers, but I don’t think I would be successful in doing so, because I usually write to vent and get my feelings out. I’m intimidated by others when I see how successful their writing is, and I hope that that feeling goes away before this semester is over.

I’m usually uncomfortable sharing my writing with others. I don’t like to be judged based on my writing because lots of characters resemble me and my feelings or thoughts, and sometimes they resemble people I care about or wish I could be or guys that I am interested in. I like when my writing means something, and I hope that when I finish a piece of writing the reader will understand my point of view and where I’m initially coming from. I would love to write about a young physicist, though it would take a lot of research considering I'm not particularly brilliant in the aspect of physics, but it's all very interesting and I think it could be really fun.